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Testi Unknown - Killiecrankie > Testi lettera U > Unknown > Unknown - Killiecrankie


Whaur hae ye been sae braw, lad?
Whaur hae ye been sae brankie-o?
Whaur hae ye been sae braw, lad?
Cam' ye by Killiecrankie-o?

An' ye had been whaur I hae been
Ye wadna been sae cantie-o
An' ye had seen what I hae seen
On the braes o' Killiecrankie-o

I fought at land, I fought at sea
At hame I fought my auntie-o
But I met the Devil and Dundee
On the braes o' Killiecrankie-o

The bauld pitcur fell in a furr
And Clavers gat a crankie-o
Or I had fed an Athol gled
On the braes o' Killiecrankie-o

Oh fie, MacKay, What gart ye lie
I' the brush ayont the brankie-o?
Ye'd better kiss'd King Willie's loff
Than come tae Killiecrankie-o

It's nae shame, it's nae shame
It's nae shame to shank ye-o
There's sour slaes on Athol braes
And the de'ils at Killiecrankie-o

Refers to battle in 1689, where winner, Graham of Claverhouse
(Bonnie Dundee) was slain, ending Jacobite hopes.
Printed in Buchan and Hall's The Scottish Folksinger
@Scots @war @history
Recorded by Ewan MacColl
filename[ KILCRANK
play.exe KILCRANK

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