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Testi Crass - Yes Sir, I Will
Testi-musica-canzoni.it > Testi lettera C > Crass > Unknown - Yes Sir, I Will
The door stands open -
Across lines, invisible hands are held, golden
streamers building in the night.
Alone, the possibilities are enormous.
Step outside and parasites, deprived of their
meat, wait to suck on tiring flesh,
Unending statistics that fatten leaders,
prisoners of their morality.
Afraid of death, we can not save ourselves.
To breathe is not enough.
Yes sir, I Will.
When you woke this morning you looked so
Blue and white normally, but strange ringed like
that in black.
It doesn't get much better, your voice can get
just ripped up shouting in vain,
Maybe someone hears what you say, but you're
still on your own at night.
You've got to make such a noise to understand the
Screaming like a jackass, ringing ears so you
can't hear the silence
Even when it's there. Like the wind seen from the
Seeing it but not being touched by it.
Words sometimes don't seem to mean much;
Of anyone we've used more that most.
Feelings from the heart that have been distorted
and mocked,
Thrown around in the spectacle, the grand social
Up against the rows of grey robots who control
our lives
The things we have to offer sometimes seem so
As they plan destruction and gain respectability,
We offer our creativity and are made outcasts.
We didn't expect to find ourselves playing this
We were concerned with ideas, not rock and roll,
But we can't avoid that arena,
It's become a part of us even if we don't
understand it.
In attempts to moderate they ask why we don't
write love songs.
What is it that we sing then?
Our love of life is total, everything we do is an
expression of that,
Everything that we write is a love song.
We look for alternatives,
But the enormous power of the media makes it so
To establish foundations. Their lies and
distortions are so extreme
That everything becomes poisoned and corrupted.
We can become media personalities, but it is
always on their terms.
We're tired of living up to other people's
expectations when our own are so much higher.
Intelligence seems so easily dismissed when it
doesn't conform to mainstream values.
Lennon said They hate you if you're clever and
they despise a fool,
He was right. Social intelligence merely requires
agreement and compromise.
The boundaries are becoming narrower as the State
becomes more paranoid.
Under authoritarian rule, conformity becomes the
only security.
Fear is a powerful weapon against human
Cowering in our temples of self there's little
chance of change;
The State is aware of that. The bomb serves many
If fear of the omnipotent God is no more,
The nuclear Father will govern with his
shepherd's crook,
Drawing his flock closer to the valley of the
shadow of death.
Those of us who stand out against the status quo
Do so against all odds.
We cling so closely together
Because we have little other than ourselves.
Critics say that it's just punk rock or that
we're just naive anarchists.
They hope to discredit us with their labels and
Throughout history societies have condemned those
who are later celebrated as heroes,
In so many bourgeois homes Van Gogh's sunflowers
radiate from the walls,
Yet he lived in utter misery, condemned by those
very same people.
Why is it that the kind and gentle are subjected
to violence and riducule?
How is it that the small and mealy-minded have
gained so much power?
What perversion has taken place that we are
governed by fools?
We've had problems from self-appointed Gods from
Bishops to MPs.
They've tried to ban our records saying that
we're a threat to decent society.
Fuck them. I hope we are.
What kind of depraved idiot thinks they can
silence others by denying them their voice?
For fucks sake, who are these lobotomists?
As if walls only had one side.
Whispered intimacies might not get through,
But cries of anguish know no barriers.
But how long do we shout for?
Denied the airwaves, we trust in the wind to
carry what we say.
But sometimes we've found ourselves shouting into
the wind
When we should have been confiding in each other.
It seems so absurd that we are denied the chance
of ever being truly free.
The terrible inequalities of the peoples of this
Make freedom at best a dream, at worst an
insulting privilege.
What space is there for self-expression and
personal development
When over half the world's population is
There are so many things that might have been
But rooted on this spot in the desire to find
There's little to see and feel but the sighing
and dying of our world.
But for suffering we might have been a part of it
rather than apart from it.
Making the compromises,
Brave fronts, deceitful disguises. What did you
know? What did you care?
What did you know? What did you care?
Turning a blind eye to the lies just to keep it
all together,
But sometimes when I'm alone like this I wonder
whether it's worth it.
Smiling and socialising.
Endless philosophising. What did you know? What
did you care?
What did you know? What did you care?
Surface agreements, statements of fact, trying to
prove we can do it,
But sometimes when I'm alone like this I wonder
just who can see through it.
Bargains and sacrifices.
Cheap tricks, cheaper devices. What did you know?
What did you care?
What did you know? What did you care?
Holding the vision, but losing our sight,
endlessly searching solution,
But sometimes when I'm alone like this I wonder
how much it's just institution.
What did you know? What did you care?
What did you know? What did you care?
What did you know? What did you care?
What did you know? What did you care?
Anarchy's become another word for 'got 10p to
spare?' What did you know? What did you care?
Another way of saying 'I'm O.K., sod you out
there'. What did you know? What did you care?
Another token tantrum to cover up the fear. What
did you know? What did you care?
Another institution, another cross to bear. What
did you know? What did you care?
etc. etc.
Anything and everything can be so easily
A poor parody of itself. Itself contained by
There's no point in just mouthing the words.
The token tantrums just aren't enough,
Nor is speed and weed and the Positive Creed.
Exclusive clubs where the various tribes
congratulate each other for doing fuck all
Will achieve nothing but the strengthening of the
status quo.
Punk has spawned another rock and roll elite,
Cheap Rotten Vicious imitations thinking they'll
change their world
With dyed hair and predictable gestures. Nouveau
There's a thousand empty stages waiting for their
empty performances,
A thousand empty faces waiting for their empty
How many times must we hear rehashed versions of
Feeding of the 5000
By jerks whose only fuck off to the system has
been one off the wrist?
It's the Feeding of the 5 Knuckle Shuffle.
If there was no government, wouldn't there be
Everybody running round, setting petrol bombs
And if there was no police force, tell me what
you'd do
If thirty thousand rioters came running after
And who would clean the sewers? Who'd mend my
Wouldn't people lay about without some
Who'd drive the fire engines? Who'd fix my video?
If there were no prisons, well, where would
robbers go?
And what if I told you to Fxxk Off?
What if there's no army to stop a big invasion?
Who'd clean the bogs and sweep the floors? We'd
have all immigration.
Who'd pull the pint at the local pub? Where'd I
get my fags?
Who'd empty out my dustbins? Would I still get
plastic bags?
If there were no hospitals, and no doctors too,
If I'd broken both my legs, where would I run to?
If there's no medication, if there were no
Wouldn't people die a lot? And who would drive
the hearses?
And what if I told you to Fxxk Off?
If there were no butchers shops, what would
people eat?
You'd have everybody starving if they didn't get
their meat.
If there was no water, what would people drink?
Who'd flush away the you-know-what? But of course
MINE never stink.
What about the children? Who'd teach them in the
Who'd make the beggers keep in line? Learn them
all the rules?
Who's tell us whitewash windows? When to take
down doors?
Tell us make a flask of tea and survive the
The rock and roll swindler says it's O.K. to
So the pirates set sail to rape any ethnic
culture they can plug a mike to.
The imperialists rub their hands in glee
As the slave-boy hunts out butt-ends in the
garbage cans.
Is it any wonder there was such sickening
celebration over the Task Force
When so called radicals work hand in hand with
the ruling elite?
Yesterday those wily creeps rejected the status
Today they smarm and charm passageways to its
very heart.
Where's the free individual in all that?
Where's the hope and aspiration?
Identities have become corporations,
Social egos and media moulds,
Scholars of ad-man's dreams. Prescribed futures;
Must we all down aspirins and shine beneath
borrowed tans?
Are we really so dumb, so cowered into submission
That not only are we prepared to eat shit
We're also prepared to say thanks for the
Why should we accept servility as a bargain for
Why should we passively accept death as a bargain
for living?
Why accept this robbery of life? Why accept this
For Christ's sake take up your bed and walk.
Let the blind see end the deaf hear.
The rights of the individual are dependent upon
You realising your right as an individual.
People are so easily deluded into thinking
they've instrumented choice
Where in reality they're nothing but passive
Passive observers do nothing but passively
Passively soak up creativity and say Wow, that's
Passively soak up destruction and say Oh no, not
us, not me.
There are those who strive for value and meaning;
Who search for reason and purpose;
Their efforts are negated by the passive
They spend days before the T.V. set so burned
Is it any wonder they've lost all sense of vision
and possibility?
What chance does anyone have when all the spaces
are filled?
Sipping breakfast teas to the sound of Space
Television is today's Nuremberg.
Bowing to its authority, they become it.
I've seen four year old children conforming to
media roles.
Main-lining the gross theatre that will become
their lives.
The television has so dampened people's anger.
The population is mesmerised by the flickering
And the streets, where the politics of reality
were once created,
Are deserted at night and the rulers sleep
They are under no threat as long as the people
are sedated.
Those who suffer head-aches from excessive intake
of electrons are prescribed valium,
Or pay for a fix at the pub where men have to
piss up the wall
And the stench of urine lasts well into the next
Entertainment is designed to gloss over real
And very often those who profess dissent only add
to the deception.
Words are banded about, but always at the whim of
the puppeteer.
Actionless sloganeering is just another Punch and
Judy show.
Any information that we receive concerning the
real world is carefully controlled,
Why else would fiction have such licence?
We are allowed to see endless theatrical deaths,
But when the real deaths started on the Falklands
Government censors prevented us from seeing them.
We were given the excuse of 'National Security'
By the lying shits who were interested only in
saving their political skins.
It didn't matter a fuck to them how many died
As long as their popularity ratings didn't
For that reason alone we were shielded from the
While the real violence is kept from us
We are exposed to constant pantomimes of death
and destruction.
Those in power are rightly aware that if we had
access to the real facts
We would cease to be simply passive observers.
Media coverage of Viet Nam created massive
dissent in the U.S.A.
Thatcher's government was aware of that when,
embarking on the Falkland charade,
They refused press cards to anyone who they knew
would not support their line.
Those who did travel to the Falklands found their
reports dramatically cut down.
Meanwhile, at home, we were fed fabrications of
Britain's 'glorious war'.
The truth that is now filtering out paints a very
different picture.
It's often been said that truth is the first
casualty of war,
It is, but the same could be said of life.
From birth we are threatened and beaten into
By family, church, school and state.
From then on we're easy game for the
Like pathetic circus dogs we hunt out praise
Or, when our true nature finds its way to the
We hide in the darkness, our tails between our
At all costs we are prevented from realising our
own potential.
We are conditioned into being passive observers.
If the ring-master offers war,
We have been conditioned to passively accept it.
War can only exist through passive acceptance.
It is nothing but a demonstration of the weakness
of human will.
If the clown offered peace
We will have been conditioned to accept that too,
But peace can not and will not be maintained
through passive acceptance.
Peace will require constant demonstrations of
personal strength,
Constant effort, constant hard work,
Reappraisal, consideration and devotion.
Which of those qualities were you taught in
Whereas war simply requires the masses as
Peace requires individuals to realise their own
The odds are hopelessly against because the State
deliberately destroys human will.
Passive observers offer nothing but decay.
The flowerbeds need weeding, the roses need
cutting back before winter.
Freed from sedation, released from bondage,
People would demonstrate their own strength,
But the powerful elite are aware of this
And already have tabs on those who they regard as
It is easy for them to single out and intimidated
And easier still for us simply not to bother.
It is impossible to gauge the effect that demands
for peace may be having,
The authorities are skilled at concealing
For so long people have been saying No more war,
But for all those demands little has changed.
Seeing that the Peace Movement was growing in
Thatcher appointed Heseltine as Minister of
One specific part of his job is to discredit CND,
Such is the nature of Conservative democraty.
As pacifist we are too easily forced back into
Making hollow gestures against the wheels of the
The line is delicate.
The spaces have always been created by the gentle
and caring,
To be later filled by bullies and egotists.
We can try to fill those spaces with the strength
of our love.
Gandhi called it Ahimsa. The Greenham Wowan call
it the 'Politics of Whimsy',
But it doesn't end there, neither is it enough.
Gandhi played a major role in liberating India
from Britain rule,
But conditions in India are still appaling for
the ordinary people.
Limiting Greenham Peace Camp to women only is a
sensible political ploy,
But if it is a demonstration of sexual
exclusivity it is a sham.
Aren't we seeking to destroy all forms of
Does our own oppression give us the right to
oppress others?
Unless we are prepared to oppose all oppression,
We stand guilty of direct contribution to it.
The neo-fascist plunder our land
And we must resist them on every level.
As outsiders we have few right with which to
oppose them,
But on our own, together, we seek them.
They have their law and those who impose it.
We only have ourselves and each other.
They have their order and those who impose it.
We only have ourselves and each other.
It is easy to dismiss those who seek peace as
But isn't our whole culture built on past dreams?
It is essential that our dreams become a reality
Or there will cease to be one.
Harrods boast that it can supply any whim that
its wealthy clients might express,
Well let them supply me an Exocet missile and a
starving Third World child
And I'll tell them the politics of choice.
Equality doesn't enter into the ghettos of
Beneath the protective sheath of Thatcher's
The right, rich and privileged get even richer
And they, in turn, support her barbaric policies
both at home and overseas.
The Falklands war cost Britain over sixteen
thousand million pounds - in whose pocket?
Throughout the world millions of people are
employed making armaments,
Don't they realise that it's ordinary people like
themselves who'll suffer the effects of their
filthy labour?
The wealthy obscene with their obscene wealth
Applaud the carnage from their grandstand.
It's as if they were at Ascot laying their bets;
Five to one on the Four Horsemen.
They believe that money can buy them out of the
That they have for the world that they bleed dry.
They are the true pornographers
The real stylists in human perversion.
Rich educated tarts sit dumbly by
Watching their fortunes rise and fall
In the neatly pressed pin-striped trousers of the
Debutante whores in rich men's castles.
The ruling elite with their puppet figurehead
Queen Elizabeth the Second, Regina Virgina,
Strut about on the million of bodies
That they have sacrificed to gain their position.
Who are these leaders but those who have made
violence pay?
Who are they but the inheritors of their
ancestors greed and theft?
Their blood stained flags are rags to our future,
Tattered remnant of our individual rights.
These rulers are common murderers and thieves,
But still we bow before them.
For how long will the masses be so pathetically
manipulated by God, Queen and Country?
For fucks sake where are we in all this?
We're given life yet we court death.
For Christ's sake how long? How long, oh Lord,
how long?
Still we lay prostrate before a stylised figure
on a crucifix.
As if the stone fool might be resurrected.
We are expected to bargain our lives for his
And join him in the ugliness of perpetual
Christian guilt.
He hangs there as a remainder of our own
Let it be known that he alone is Christ,
Those who dare emulate him shall suffer thus.
Each settlement is spiked with that stupid image,
Each conscience nailed to that diet of
Military acts are bathed in those gory tales.
Tired Marines, edgy to fuck and sleep, are
blessed in his name.
Pious virgins in desire kneel in worship before
the myth.
In anticipation of their own death, they await
his coming.
Sweet Jesus have mercy on me.
Sweet Jesus, they share his agony.
Sweet Jesus, they share his misery.
Fuck his loaded deity.
Over half the world's population is starving,
Crucified by the greed of landowners,
Helpless against the imbalance of priorities
Practiced by the major powers who, if they wanted
to, could help.
Every minute of the day millions upon million of
Are spent on the machinery of war.
If only a half of that was spent on the machinery
of peace,
There would be no more starvation on this planet.
Yet governments pay no heed to the cries of
They perhaps make token gestures to appease their
But no real improvements are made
Because to ensure control the superpowers need to
maintain the imbalance.
Natives are slaughtered in their homelands
By governments seeking out new possessions.
Most of the wealth of the so called developed
Has been gained at the expense of the Third World
From whom natural resources, both mineral and
Have been unscrupulously exploited.
Peoples' pride and dignity is burnt in Napalm
And hand-held flame-throwers.
The poor and underprivileged are raped and
By leaders who use their power not to assist, but
to oppress.
At the wave of a gloved hand
These people can, and do,
Send young men to their death,
But not before others too have fallen from their
bayonets and guns.
Such armies are invariably called 'peace keeping
The hypocrisy is as appalling as it is obvious.
The wealthy, educated, privileged and secure
Make the lives of those less fortunate a complete
Million upon millions of people are dying from
Because, to stabilise their economies,
governments destroy food rather than giving it to
the needy.
Let them eat cake said Marie Antoinette
As she wiped the calf's blood from her lips.
Proud to be British said Margaret Thatcher
As she wiped the Falkland's blood from her hands.
The ruling elite have no concept of what it is to
suffer want,
Yet it is they who are directly responsible.
In a world where there are people who can't
afford a crust of bread,
These arrogant scabs drive around in Bentleys and
Rolls Royces.
Perhaps it amuses them to rub shit into the faces
of the poor,
But there'll come a time when such overt displays
of wealth
Will not be tolerated by the people in the
In a sane society wealth and possession would not
be an asset.
A few years ago a politician was on the radio
Saying that no one in the UK suffered from want.
Next day I saw an old man pleading for a handful
of coal;
His wife was dying of cold and he was penniless.
Maybe in the morning, as the politician sipped
breakfast tea,
She lay cold and dead before the empty grate.
Every year thousand of people die of hypothermia,
Too hungry, too cold, too poor to stay alive.
At times of national crisis it's always the poor
who suffer.
Back Britain we're told
As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
At times of international crisis it's the same
Back Britain we're told
As the rich get richer and the poor get killed.
In the event of a nuclear crisis,
The rich will retreat to private bunkers with
their wealth and possessions.
The injustice of inequality is sanctioned by the
With its tradition of finance from the gentry
The church has always been obliged
To ensure that its flock remains servile.
Repent ye sinners or be devoured in the flames of
Those very same flames that devoured their
enemies in countless religious wars.
So often the church has marched hand in hand with
the military
Casting its blessings upon the writhing bodies of
the battlefield.
Each stab of bayonet is God's word.
Each crash of steel is God's word.
Each torn limb and splash of blood is God's word.
For he so loved the world he gave our only
begotten sons.
Each sodden grave and sodding death is God's
For he so loved the world he gave our only
begotten sons.
For he so loved the world he gave our only
begotten sons.
In Christian societies executions are attended by
representatives of the church.
Goggle-eyed before the gallows, the electric
chair and the gas-chamber
They administer their Christ's blessing.
In America poison is injected into the
Another Christ dies, jacked up by the state.
Another glorious advance for civilisation.
One small step for man.
One giant step for mankind.
For he so loved the world.
He gave us his only begotten son
And likewise we are expected so to do.
For he so loved the world.
Violent, vicious hypocrisy.
How is anyone supposed to deal with these
Confusions and lies? They defy reason.
Oh yes, you can inwardly laugh at the absurdity,
Satirise the obscenity, but the hysteria soon
wears thin
And the tears wear a colder complexion.
Humour can offer diversion,
But it dilutes real anger
And nothing gets confronted.
We are ruled by dangerous mad-people,
What's funny about that for fucks sake?
The world is daily threatened with annihilation,
Is that really something to be trivialased?
The world is under constant threat.
Against this background of fear
We struggle to create our own authority.
While being bludgeoned into conformity
We struggle to find our inner selves.
Of course I feel uncomfortable when I'm laughed
at in the streets,
But I don't want to be one of them.
I want to be an outsider,
At the same time I'd like to come in out of the
Urgency overrules personal fears.
Against the scenario of total destruction
We demand a sanity that might save the world.
That alone excludes us from the mainstream of
History offers no solutions,
Quotes from Mao or Stalin, Hitler or Marx
Simply confirms the oppression.
I'm tired of political experts,
Tired of 'if onlys'.
They have always been the same people,
Grey visionless robots
Who would have us all share their death.
History is simply a justification for oppression,
Written by those who practice it.
It is being constantly changed and rewritten
To conform to the requirements of the ruling
A tempest of convenience that blasts across the
blistered bodies of the dead.
We receive at best only filtered truths.
Most of what we see and hear is lies.
The Falklands War was rewritten as it happened.
It was not a glorious victory for the British
Nor an heroic defeat of a fascist dictator.
It was a callous and savage piece of
Designed to cover up horrific domestic problems.
At a time when a peaceful settlement was a
Thatcher personally ordered the sinking of the
General Belgrado
Killing over three hundred men
And horribly mutilating many more.
She did this because her political neck required
To prove her wisdom in releasing the Task Force.
The history books will not document her as a
cold-blooded murderer.
I'm tired of the dull rationalisation of the
Weighed down with their sums and inadequacies
I feel only anger and bellied hatred for them.
How can anyone become so distorted?
How can anyone be so far from real human values?
I feel only disgust for their twisted minds.
How can peace be achieved through threats of
What kind of hope is there in that strait-jacket?
The authority of those who oppress us
Is supported, maintained and defended
By those who are themselves the most oppressed;
Those who, because they have no alternative, are
in service to the rulers.
How can I feel anger towards the squaddy?
Weighed down with his guns and inadequacies
I can feel only pity and bellied compassion.
How can anyone be so distorted?
How can anyone be so far from real human values?
I can only feel pity for his twisted mind.
How can freedom be achieved if the poor fight to
The privileges of those who directly oppress
We look through one eye hoping the other won't
That way we only need deal with a half of it.
Like bloody ostriches, oblivious,
Not because we are, but because we choose to be.
Most people see through the lies
But are too afraid to admit it.
It's so much easier to be the passive observer.
How much longer can people afford to just sit by
like this?
All the indications are there.
Massive unemployment,
Recession, depression.
But who's looking? Who cares?
Tamely the population is being led down the road
to total bondage.
Government is daily strengthening its powers.
Those who stand against it are ridiculed,
Discredited or abused and punished.
Those in power are totally cynical.
Rather than analysing the seriousness of the
They simply strengthen the army and police to
combat it
They are ready for the inevitable response.
It happened in Brixton, Toxteth and Moss Side.
It happens daily in Northern Ireland.
Under Thatcher's regime there has been massive
increases in police brutality.
In London police shot down a man
Only to find it was the wrong person.
We regret to inform you. Regret to inform you.
Regret to inform you. We regret to inform you
That today another Christ was shot in the back of
the head.
We regret to inform you. Regret to inform you,
That another Christ, not yet ten years old, was
shot today,
By agents of Her Majesty's Government, with a
plastic bullet.
They say that plastic bullets were designed not
to kill,
They do.
I say that human beings were not designed to
kill, not us, not me;
We do.
We regret to inform you.
1984 is a book about the positive danger of
Under Thatcher's unfeeling guidance the scenario
is one year early.
With the cold mechanism of the pin ball arcade
We're flicked around as numbers by the hidden
Software in the hardware. Documented and filed.
We have no access to the information that they
have stored on us.
Ticker-tape alter egos, print-out portraits.
We are becoming another.
As individuals within that mechanical system we
are arbitrary,
Wanted only for what can be taken from us.
Our future is of no concern to the
Who determine the nature of our economic
Thatcher's policies require massive unemployment
Which makes her order to 'support our boys'
nothing but a fucking insult.
When they were eight thousand miles away dying
for her arrogance
She fabricated what was a complete mockery of
When they're at home, jobless on the streets,
She doesn't give a fuck for them.
Self determination and self enterprise are her
big lines,
But just how much of that does she offer to
In her contemptible use of people?
She was prepared to risk world peace
Saying that it was for the self determination of
the Falklanders,
Those very same people who over a year ago
She was prepared to abandon without a thought.
And now, for all her empty talk,
They are forced to live in a fortress waiting for
further hostilities.
Thatcher has recently sanctioned a loan of one
hundred million pounds to Argentina
Claiming that it was to stabilise world economy.
The purchase of further Exocets and the
development of nuclear potential
Should do much for world economy, but very little
for world security.
Just what the fuck was all that bloodshed for?
Thatcher has signed away British
self-determination in one single stroke.
She has agreed to install deadly cruise missiles
on British soil
Over which the Americans have total control.
The American military presence is designed solely
To limit nuclear war with Russia to the 'European
Meanwhile we are sold the wicked lie of
protection and deterrence.
American war planners have repeatedly stated that
they intend
To fight the Third World War on European soil;
Cruise missiles greatly increase the danger of
that happening.
Designed to avoid radar detection by skimming the
earth's surface,
Cruise missiles are seen as the ideal 'first
strike weapon',
They also guarantee a massive response that would
make Britain into a nuclear desert.
Military naivety is astounding. The experts
seriously believe
That they will be able to limit war to the
In this particular show the world will be the
There'll be no encore.
Thatcher and her cronies talk of 'limited
tactical response'
And 'executive action' causing 'collateral
These terms are borrowed from their American
And are designed to mask the ugly reality that
they describe.
In everyday language 'collateral damage' simply
means civilian deaths.
In the event of nuclear attack on Britain that
would amount to thirty-eight million people.
Is it any wonder that these crazy psychotics
Invent jargon to assist them in their studied
Every year hundreds of innocent people still die
horrific deaths
As a result of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and
It is probably that an all out nuclear war
Would destroy all life on planet Earth.
We are not talking fantasy,
Nor preaching doom.
We are talking of an existing reality;
The one that we allow to exist around us.
Defence Secretary Heseltine disputes the kind of
information that we offer
Claiming that it has 'no basis in fact'.
There are no words to describe the utter contempt
That we feel for people of his kind.
They sit in their seats of power
Distorting and perverting all human decency.
How can they dare be so blatant?
How can they dare be so hypocritical?
Who is this Heseltine with his corrupt lies?
Who is this Thatcher with her arrogant deceit?
These hideous mutants cast their shadows
Across all that is worthwhile and good.
Cruise missile will be installed because Thatcher
has created some kind of deal with Reagan.
We will probably never know the details of that
It will almost certainly involve some kind of
economic juggling act,
The massive corporations turning political
On U.S. investment in Britain.
Russian tanks in Afghanistan are nothing
Compared with the bargaining power of American
capital in the UK.
Whatever the nature of that deal is,
It has made Britain into America's front line,
The fifty-third State, with no rights of
To many people that might not matter,
Fed from birth on American propaganda and
Hollywood trash,
The resistance levels are low.
As long as we passively accept American
We can except no real advance.
We are being sold down the line.
To many people the missiles and warheads might
not matter.
To many people nuclear reality is too huge to
Yet for all people the reality looms constantly
in nightmares.
In the nuclear state we are expected to accept
those nightmares.
Is this really all that we can hope for as life?
Is this really all that we can hope for as death?
Maybe our lives don't matter that much,
But why impose our madness on future generations?
Or is it perhaps that you no longer believe that
there will be future generations?
In your passive acceptance of it
You have already allowed the holocaust to happen.
The future is ended.
We are not talking fantasy,
Nor preaching doom.
We are talking of an existing reality,
The one that we allow to exist around us.
The nuclear hardware produces in the last three
Will pollute the Earth for thousands of years.
A nuclear war will destroy it.
Is that why the cherry trees blossom?
You are destroying and corrupting.
In condemning them to the nuclear nightmare
Are you willing to accept the burning of
tomorrow's unborn?
They know nothing of this sorrow.
Suffer little children to come unto me.
Suffer little children to come unto me.
Suffer little children to come unto me.
Suffer little children to come unto me.
In your refusal to act against these hideous
You are guilty of being the gutless passive
Are you so inhuman that you will let this happen?
Just a helpless bystander waving your flag in
mute acceptance?
Take up your eyes and see.
Take up your ears and hear.
Take up your mind and think.
Take up your life and act.
It is up to us all as responsible citizens of
To work towards the downfall of the powerful
Their rule has created dreadful suffering.
Their insanity precludes all reason and
They lie, trick and manipulate.
They are the maggots in the flesh of decency,
The vultures that pick at the bones of hope,
The carriers of famine, war, pestilence, and
They must be stopped.
Why should people die for their insanity?
Why should people starve for their insanity?
Why should people suffer the spitefulness of
their greed?
We must not be intimidated by the authority that
they appear to have.
We must be prepared to oppose them on every
To fight back in the knowledge that if we don't
We will have failed in our responsibility to life
It has happened before
That the powerless have risen against the
Only to be beaten back.
But there have been cases where they have
Ours is a just cause,
It is up to each one of us, alone, to do our
We must learn to overcome our fears.
We must realise that the strength that they have
Is the strength that we give them.
It is you, the passive observer who has given
them this power.
You are being used and abused
And will be discarded as soon as they've bled
what they want from you. You must learn to live
with your own conscience,
your own morality,
your own decision,
your own self.
You alone can do it.
There is no authority but yourself.
One squaddy, horrifically burnt in the Falklands
Was approached by Prince Charles during a
Get well soon said the Prince, to witch the
squaddy replied,
Yes Sir, I will.
- s,Fairytale Of New-York No Use For A Name
- What Do You Want From Life The Tubes
- s,Life in a Northern Town The Dream Academy
- s,Alana Davis Ordinary Girl
- s,Ordinary Girl
- s,Beautiful Inside Louise
- s,Until You Come Back
- s,Guided By Voices The Perfect Life
- s, Roses in the Water Sunny Day Real Estate
- s,Viva la Vida Coldplay
- Dmc Run
Nome Album : Together Forever - Journey
Nome Album : Time 3 - Minodora
Nome Album : Unknown - Soul Coughing
Nome Album : Ruby Vroom - Afi
Nome Album : Sing the Sorrow